American English Conversation: Lesson 57

DIRECTIONS: Read the dialogues below in English, then translate them and read them in your primary language (if needed). You’re encouraged to read these dialogues with your teacher, tutor, colleagues, family, and friends to practice and improve your American English even further.

Topic: Talking About the News

Dialogue 1

Emily: Hey, have you heard the latest news?
Tom: No, what’s going on?
Emily: There was another bombing in the capital this morning.
Tom: Really? That’s terrible!
Emily: Yeah. It’s been all over the news today. I read about it in the newspaper this morning and then watched a news program on TV for more details.
Tom: Do they know who did it yet?
Emily: They say it might be connected to recent political events, but nothing is confirmed.
Tom: Wow. I haven’t been keeping up with current events lately. I should start watching the news more often.
Emily: Yeah. I mostly listen to radio news while driving to work every day. You can also find breaking news stories online pretty quickly too.
Tom: Thanks for letting me know. I’ll try to stay better informed from now on.

Dialogue 2

Emma: Hi, James. Did you hear about the latest political scandal? It was all over the news this morning.
James: No, I haven’t had a chance to catch up on the news today. What happened?
Emma: Apparently, there’s been some corruption investigation into one of the government ministers for misuse of public funds.
James: That’s not surprising. The current events lately have been full of controversies and scandals. How did you learn about it? Online or in the newspaper?
Emma: I heard about it on the radio news program while driving to work this morning. But I also saw an article about it in yesterday’s newspaper.
James: Television news broadcasts usually cover breaking news stories first thing in the morning, whereas newspapers give more in-depth coverage.
Emma: Right; online news sites are perfect for quick daily updates. But regardless of which media we use, it’s important to stay informed about politics and current events.
James: Definitely. And to be critical and skeptical when consuming the news. It can be difficult to separate fact from opinion sometimes.
Emma: Yes, especially with sensational headlines designed to grab our attention. But if we read multiple sources and compare information, we can form a balanced understanding of what’s happening in the world around us.

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