How to Speak Better English (Article 11)

I’ve been studying the English language for over 40 years, and I’m still learning new things all the time. In fact, my English has gotten much better than when I first started studying it. This blog post will help you improve your English in no time.

STEP 1: Learn to Speak Properly

If you’re going to speak properly, you need to learn proper grammar and pronunciation. You don’t have to be a native speaker to speak correctly, but at the very least you should try to avoid some of these common mistakes.

a) Pronouns – pronouns are words like ‘he’,’she’, ‘it’ or ‘they’ that refer to people. They are always in the singular form unless they’re referring to a group.

b) Personal Pronouns – personal pronouns include words like ‘I’, ‘you’,’me’ and ‘we’. They are always in the singular form.

c) Adjectives – adjectives describe nouns and other adjectives.

d) Prepositions – prepositions show how something is related to another thing.

e) Articles – articles are usually used with nouns to give information about them.

f) Tenses – tenses show when an action happened. The past tense, present tense, future tense and conditional are the most common ones.

g) Verb Tense – verb tenses show how the subject did the action.

h) Conjunctions – conjunctions connect two ideas that go together.

i) Auxiliary verbs – auxiliary verbs are used to form questions, commands and negatives.

j) Phrases – phrases are short, grammatically correct sentences that contain more than one word.

k) Interjections – interjections are small, often non-grammatical expressions used in conversation.

l) Idioms – idioms are phrases that have a special meaning.

m) Colloquialisms – colloquialisms are informal, often non-standard English used by teenagers, young adults or people who don’t speak standard English.

n) Word Origins – words have different origins. Some words came from Latin, French or Greek.

o) Word Roots – words have their own roots. Words can be broken down into their parts and you can find out what they mean and how they’re used.

STEP 2: Practice Speaking Correctly

Practice speaking properly every day. Watch the news, listen to podcasts and talk to friends and family. You can also try to speak in front of a mirror.

STEP 3: Practice Reading Properly

You should read the same text over and over until it becomes second nature. The more you read, the faster you’ll be able to understand new information.

STEP 4: Speak Slowly

Speak slowly. Don’t rush through your sentences or use too many contractions. Take a deep breath before you start speaking. It’s ok to pause for a few seconds before you start talking, but if you keep pausing too long, you’ll come across as nervous.

STEP 5: Use Short Sentences

Short sentences are easier to understand. Try to use short sentences whenever possible.

STEP 6: Use Active Voice

Active voice is when the subject does the action. It’s usually written in the form “I did it” or “He did it”. Active voice makes it easier for people to understand.

STEP 7: Eliminate Passive Voice

Passive voice is when the subject is acted on. It’s usually written in the form “I was done” or “It was done”. Passive voice makes it harder for people to understand.

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