How to Speak Better English (Article 4)

1. If you want to succeed in the English-speaking world, you need to speak the language.

There are lots of resources out there for learning English, but I’ve found that most of them focus on teaching you the rules and vocabulary. There’s also a lot of advice about how to improve your writing, but little on how to actually speak. That’s where this article comes in. Here are several simple ways to speak better English, based on the lessons I learned as an ESL teacher and now as a professional English writer.

2. Listen More, Talk Less

We’ve all heard the saying “he who speaks less has more”. This is true in every language, but it’s especially important when speaking English. When you speak, you’re supposed to be listening to what your listener says. The best way to speak good English is to actually listen to the other person. If you want to speak English, you have to stop thinking about yourself.

3. Don’t Be Afraid of the “F” Word

When I was teaching ESL, I would often get into heated arguments with my students about why certain words were inappropriate for their age. I’m not saying that it was okay to use bad language, but I did learn from this experience that if you want to speak better English, don’t be afraid of the “f” word. It’s fine to use it if you know you are using it appropriately.

4. Practice Speaking Without Using a Dictionary

In school, we were always taught that we should never use a dictionary while speaking because it would slow us down. This is true in every language, but it’s especially true for English speakers. When you’re learning English, you need to practice speaking without looking at the dictionary. If you do end up having to look up a word, you can always use the dictionary as a reference. But if you’re able to speak without using a dictionary, you’ll be able to speak more fluidly.

5. Don’t Use “I” Statements

“I” statements are used to describe actions that you performed. You use them when you’re describing your own past experiences. “I” statements are also used when you’re talking about yourself. For example, “I went to the store”. This is usually done when you’re describing your current situation. If you want to speak better English, it’s important to avoid using “I” statements. They sound awkward in English, so don’t use them.

6. Stop Speaking in a Loud Voice

When you’re speaking English, you don’t have to shout. The best way to speak good English is to speak in a normal tone of voice. When you speak louder, you are speaking louder than everyone else, and people can’t understand what you’re saying. If you want to speak better English, stop speaking in a loud voice. Thanks for reading!

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